Monday, January 7, 2008

Organizing Tips from Martha Stewart

With a New Year comes a rash of new resolutions ... vowing to lose weight, eat better, spend more time volunteering, getting organized once and for all. You name it, it probably has appeared on your list at one time or another. Martha is coming to our rescue with her helpful tips for getting organized in just a few minutes a day. I don't know about you, but I can certainly commit to something for a few minutes a day. Good luck!

New Year's Resolutions Made Easy
Now is a great time to organize and make a fresh start. Get into the habit of completing these basic tasks each day -- with just a few minutes of work, you can keep chaos at bay.

1. Make the bed: Follow Martha's technique and get perfect results each time.
2. Manage clutter: Make sure your most used spaces stay organized by putting the right systems into place.
3. Sort the mail: Prevent piles of unwanted paper by banishing junk mail for good.
4. Maximize your time in the kitchen: Wash pots and dishes or put them in the dishwasher as you prepare a meal. Read our dishwasher strategy to learn how to get dishes and utensils clean and keep them in great condition.
5. Wipe up spills while they're fresh: It is faster and easier to remove almost anything if you attend to it immediately. Create a portable cleaning kit to make quick work of any chore.
6. Sweep the kitchen floor each night: Keep grime at bay by following our how-to guide on sweeping.

Photo from Martha Stewart Living.

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